One day – One Procedure – Natural Results
Get Free Consultation for Hair Transplant Surgery

To request a free consultation online please complete the form below and one of our patient advisors will contact you directly.

Please upload photos of your hair loss. Front, top and back are best for evaluation. You will receive a response with Dr. Brett Bolton's evaluation within 24 hours. Please make sure to include you phone number for us to personally contact you. Thank you for inquiring and we look forward to helping you throughout this process.

Our Location
Dr. Brett Bolton
Great Hair Transplants, Hair Restoration Clinic
2715 East Oakland Park Blvd, Suite 200
Fort LauderdaleFlorida, United States of America33306
 954.567.5868  |

Low-cost Hair Transplant In Addison, Illinois

hair restoration: Wesley Chapel, Maryland (MD) in Carroll County

hair restoration Would you ever contemplate commuting outside of your Wesley Chapel area for a hair restoration? Chances are there may not be a hair restoration consultant in your remote area. It is likely that the practitioner in your area does not apply the exact method we use here at our office. At the office of Dr. Brett Bolton we use a distinguishing process called MAXHARVEST. This gives men and women an unparalleled amount of hair at half the price when compared to most other physicians. it is our wish that everybody get the most hair possible with our MAXHARVEST method, even those in Wesley Chapel. That is the biggest reason for our great travel benefits for all out-of-town patients. Get a complimentary consultation soon and gather more information about a hair restoration.


A Hair Transplant You Can Afford

You can get a hair implant procedure for a low monthly payment . You will attain more dense results in only one surgical procedure more than any other clinic . Let us show you how !

We can do this for you in only one surgery !


Click Here To Get a Free Hair Transplant Consultation
with custom quote and special deal.

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Get Money Back For Out of Towners There is no rationale why anyone should not have access to a top hair transplant surgeon in or out of state ! That's why we have all our out-of-town patients up to $1500 back in traveling costs . Watch a video of a patient who traveled for surgery .

* Deals on traveling costs only count for men and women out of state .

Small Out-Patient Procedure Allows You to Travel Comfortably You can either go home after the hair transplantation or get away for a few days in one of our striking locations . To investigate our travel allowances click now .

Consultation Remotely It's not a requirement to fly or drive in for a consultation . If you have a computer or laptop with the ability to video simply contact us at 877 .424 .7535 to schedule an appointment to communicate with the surgeon . Skype us at greathairtransplants !

Great Hair Transplants Serves the Following Locations

Maryland ( Carroll)

Academy Acres | Adams Chance | Advocates Choice | Airport Acres | Airy Estates | Alesia | Alesia Heights | Allana Acres | Allandale | Alma Meadows | Almond Valley | Alto Vista | Amanda Hills | Amberly | Arched Bow Valley | Arrington Estates | Arters Mill | Arters Mill Estates | Arthur Ridge | Ashley | Aspen Run | Atkins Acres | Autumn Ridge | Avondale | Avondale Ridge | Avondale Run | Babel Heights | Babylon Heights | Bachman Mills | Bachman Valley Estates | Baile | Bailes Mill | Bar Klee Estates | Bark Hill | Barrett | Beachmont Estates | Bear Run | Beaver Ridge | Belle Grove Square | Bellevue Heights | Belmar Estates | Ben Har Heights | Benders Heights | Benedict Woods | Bennett Manor | Berkley Estates | Berrywood Village | Bethel | Bethel Ridge | Bird Hill | Bird Hill Estates | Bixler | Bixler Valley Estates | Blacks Corner | Blankner Hill | Bloom | Bloomfield Manor | Blue Grass Manor | Blue Ridge View | Bollinger Estates | Bonnie Brae | Boones Meadows | Bowercrest Park | Braddock Estates | Braddock Manor West | Branton Manor | Brass Eagle Estates | Breezewood Estates | Brentwood Acres | Brilhart Terrace | Brimfield | Brook Hill Acres | Brothers Delight | Brown Heights | Brownsville | Bruceville | Brummel | Brunetto Acres | Buckhorn Run | Buckingham Manor | Buckingham View | Bushey Heights | Calebs Delight | Cambridge Estates | Campus Heights | Candice Estates | Candlewick | Canterbury | Cape Hill Farms | Cape Horn South | Carmae Acres | Carriage Hills | Carroll County Trails | Carroll Dale | Carroll Fields | Carroll Heights | Carroll Highlands | Carroll Lutheran Village | Carroll Meadows | Carroll Park | Carroll Square | Carroll View | Carroll Winde | Carroll Woods Estates | Carrollton | Carrolltowne | Carrollyn Manor | Cascade Estates | Castle Oaks | Castles Rising | Catoctin View | Cedarbrook | Cedarhurst | Centennial Homestead | Chadwick Court | Chapel Heights | Charloumyr | Charolais Acres | Chases Forest | Chazdale North | Cherry Corner | Cherry Tree Hills | Cherrytown | Chestnut Oaks | Christiana Estates | Christy Acres | Clear Ridge | Clear View | Clearfield | Clipper Hill Estates | Cloverberry | Clydesdale Acres | Cold Saturday | Collins Estates | Colonial Hills | Conestoga Heights | Constance Acres | Copperfield | Copperville | Country Life Estates | Country Trails | Cover | Covers Corner | Covilla | Crabster | Cranberry | Crestview Meadows | Crouse Mill | Cumorah Estates | Cunningham Acres | Daisy Meadows | Daisy Ridge | Dales Delight | Daniel | Day | Dayspring Estates | Deep Run | Deep Valley | Deer Park Estates | Deer Park Ridge | Deerpark | Dell Mont | Dennings | Detour | Dewberry Estates | Dinterman | Dogwood Estates | Dominos Acres | Dorceytown | Dorsey Crossroads | Dorsey Hill | Dotsons Ridge | Dove Ridge | Dublin Manor | Dug Hill | Dulany Hills | Duncans Hill | Eagle Wood Estates | Eastview | Eastview Estates | Eazee Acres | Ebbvale | Ebbvale Estates | Eden Farms | Elbeekay Farms | Eldersburg | Eleven Meadows | Emerald Valley | England Estates | Englars Mill | Equestrian Estates | Evergreen Hills | Fair Wind Estates | Fairfield | Fairground Village | Fairhaven | Fairmount North | Fairview Acres | Feesersburg | Fenby | Fenwood Heights | Fieldcrest | Finksburg | Finlandia | Flag Marsh Heights | Flagg Meadows | Fleming Way Estates | Flohrville | Flowerwood Estates | Forest Hill Farms | Forest Hills | Forest Knoll | Forest Oaks | Fountain Valley | Four Seasons | Franklinville | Freedom | Freedom Forest | Freedom Village | Fridinger Estates | Frizzellburg | Furnace Hills | Gaither | Gaither Heights | Gaither Manor | Galt | Gamber | Gasnell Estates | Gilboa | Gill Estates | Gillis Falls Estates | Gist | Glasers Hill | Glenn Hill | Glenvue Acres | Glover Acres | Gorsuch | Gosnell | Grafton Manor | Grahams Green Acres | Grand Valley Acres | Grand View | Grassmere Estates | Green Acres | Green Meadows | Greenbrier | Greenfield | Greenland Manor | Greenleaf | Greenmount | Gross Mill Estates | Gunpowder Ridge | Hahns Mill | Haight | Hammonds Estates | Hampstead | Hampstead Heights | Hampstead Valley | Hampton Knolls | Hannleigh Heights | Happy Acres | Happy Valley | Harney | Harper Estates | Harrington | Harris Heights | Harrisville | Harvest Farms | Hawk Ridge | Hazels Woods | Heather Ridge | Henryton | Heritage | Herring Estates | Hi View Estates | Hickory Hill | Hickory Ridge Farms | Hidden Oaks | Hidden Valley | Hideaway Estates | High Ridge | Highfield Estates | Highview Estates | Hillandale Trailer Park | Hillsdale | Hillside | Hilltop | Hoffmans Mill | Holiday Acres | Holland Hills | Home Farm | Hoods Mill | HootN Hollow | Houcksville | Huckleberry Bottom | Humbert Schoolhouse Estates | Hunt Ridge | Huntfield | Hyser Estates | Irongate | Ivy Hill Way | Jasontown | Jessie Anne Estates | Johnsville | Joseph Meadows | Kabik Korner | Kalten Acres | Kempfield | Ken Mar Manor | Key Heights | Keymar | Keysville | Keyview | Kimberly Heights | Kingston Riding | Kirkner Estates | Klee Mill | Klees Mill Terrace | Klein Estates | Knoll View Acres | Knollers Woods | Lake Hills | Lakeland Heights | Lakeview | Lakeview Trailer Park | Lakeview Village | Larox Miracle Land | Latigo Trails | Laura Lee Estates | Lawndale | Lawndale Acres | Leatherwood | Lees Corner | Lees Mill | Legos Choice | Lester Acres | Lexington Run | Liberty Lake Hills | Liberty Manor | Liberty View Farms | Liebno Estates | Lincoln Manor | Linden Estates | Lineboro | Linton Springs | Linwood | Lismarelu Farms | Little Acres | Locust Neck Heights | London Bridge Estates | Long Meadows | Longs Mountain View | Longview Heights | Longville | Louisville | Lynn Lee | Lynwood | Mairs Mill | Manahan | Manchester | Maple Crest | Maple Grove | Maple Haven | Maple View | Marbeth Hill | Maring Manor | Marston | Marthas Legacy | Mason Dixon Estates | Mayberry | Mayberry Ridge | McHenry Meadows | McKinstrys Mill | Meadow Brook | Meadow View | Medford | Melanie Acres | Melrose | Melstone Valley | Merridale | Merryman Heights | Mexico | Mich Trace Estates | Michaels Ridge | Middle Brooke | Middleburg | Mill Brothers Hills | Mill Stream Hills | Millers | Millwood | Miners Ridge | Monarch Meadow | Monks Misery | Montclare | Morgan | Mount Airy | Mount Airy Estates | Mount Pleasant | Mountain Lake View | Mountain View | Mountain Vista | My Ladies Manor | Myers Acres | Narnia | New Horizons | New Mexico | New Port | New Windsor | Nicodemus Heights | Nora Valley | North Carroll Farms | Northbrook | Nottingham Village | Oakdale Manor | Oakland | Oakland Hills | Oakleigh Ridge | Obretch Estates | Oklahoma | Old Home Estates | Olde Oak Run | Olde Washington Valley | Omar Acres | Otterdale Mill | Ottersdale | Palmer | Panorama Estates | Park Ridge | Parkfield | Parkside | Parrs Ridge | Parrsville | Patapsco | Patapsco Estates | Patapsco Woods | Patriots Choice | Peaceful Valley | Peach Brandy Village | Peach Mill Estates | Peppermint Park | Pheasant Ridge Estates | Pheasant Ridge Mobile Estates | Pheasant Run | Picketts Corner | Piedmont Acres | Pinch Valley Estates | Pine Knoll | Pineridge Farms | Piney Creek | Piney Ridge Village | Piney Run Estates | Piney Valley Estates | Pipe Creek | Pipe Creek Mill | Pleasant Acres | Pleasant Dale | Pleasant Valley | Poignant Acres | Presidential Park | Prospect Hills | Quail Creek Acres | Quaker Heights | Rainbow Estates | Random Heights | Rarjem Acres | Raven Run | Ray Mar Estates | Raydan Retreat | Rebas Retreat | Rebecca Ridge | Red Fox Meadow | Red Oak Hills | Red Oak Hills West | Reeds Village | Reese | Reese Manor | Richardson Ridge | Richwynn Hill | Ricketts Ridge | Ridgely Estates | Ridgely Park | Ridgemar | Ridgemont | Ridgeview Estates | Ridgeville | Ridgewood Estates | Rising Sun | River Wood Hills | Roberts Field | Roberts Mill Run | Robindell Heights | Rockbrook Trailer Park | Rockbrook Village | Rockland Estates | Rocky Acres | Roller | Rolling Carroll Estates | Rolling Falls Estates | Rolling Hills | Rolling Ridge | Roop Mill | Roseville Heights | Ross Run Estates | Royal Heights | Runnymeade Summit | Ruthed Estates | Sandyville | Sanner Estates | Scotsdale | Scotts Ridge | Seven Havens | Shamrock Acres | Shannon Run | Sharon Oaks | Sharretts | Shawnee View | Shawns Landing | Sherlock Holmes Estates | Shervettes Corner | Shiloh | Shipley | Shirley Manor | Shoemakers Lot | Shour Valley | Silver Hills | Silver Run | Silver Run Estates | Simpsons Mill | Singer Heights | Ski Acres | Small Crossings | Smallwood | Smallwood Acres | Smithtown Ridge | Snowdens Manor | Snydersburg | Snydersburg Manor | Somerset | South Carroll Estates | Southglenn Farms | Southwood | Spring Meadow | Spring Mills | Squires | Stanton Heights | Starview Estates | Sterner Heights Estates | Stevenson Garden Estates | Stone House Village | Stoney Ridge | Strawbridge Estates | Streamwood | Stumptown | Sugar Valley | Sullivan Heights | Sullivans Trailer Park | Summer Hills | Sumor Estates | Sun Valley | Sun Valley Farms | Sunset Hill | Sunset Vista | Sunset Way | Sweet Air | Sykesville | Sylvan Park | Tabbys Delight | Taneytown | Tannery | Tara Oaks | Taylors Choice | Taylorsville | The Fairways at Wakefield | The Hemlocks | The Hermitage | The Meadows | Timber Ridge | Timbermead | Todd Village | Topkapi | Tranquility Estates | Trebee Highlands | Treelin Manor | Trevanion | Trevanion Terrace | Tri Woods | Trident Acres | True Estates | Twin Knolls | Twin Lakes | Tylers Summit | Tyrone | Tyrone Acres | Union Bridge | Union Hills | Union Mills | Uniontown | Valley Hill Farms | Valley View | Valley Vista | Valley Vista North | Vangline Acres | Velvet Run | Vicky Estates | View West Acres | Villa Tomarchio | Village Green Estates | Village of Bachman | Village of Peachwood | Wagners Mill | Wakefield | Wakefield Estates | Wakefield Mill | Wakefield Valley | Walbrook Manor | Walden Farms | Walnut Grove | Walnut Grove Mills | Walnut Hill | Walnut Ridge | Warfieldsburg | Washington Court | Washington Heights | Waters Edge | Watersville Acres | Webers Ridge | Wedgewood Terrace | Weldon | Wellwood | Wentz | Wesley Chapel | West Hill | West View Terrace | Westchester Square | Westminster | Wheatfields | Whispering Meadows | Whispering Valley | Whistling Ridge Estates | White Birch Estates | White Oak Ridge | White Pine Acres | White Pines Trailer Park | White Rock | Wil Mar Acres | Wild Lake Estates | Wilimot Manor | Wilson Terrace | Windsong Farms | Windsor View | Wine Bel Valley | Winfield | Winfield Heights | Winfield Woods | Winsome Heights | Winterberry | Wolf Hill | Wolfs Mill | Woodbine | Woodbine Acres | Woodbridge | Worth Acres | Wright Acres | Yellow Pine Estates | Yorkland | Young Mans Fancy | Zipprian Estates |

Great Hair Transplants States

  •  Review
    Feb 11, 2025
    Leonardo Reviews
     google Review
    Dr. Bolton, Josh and the rest of the staff are amazing!!! I have dealt with time for many years and every time I get treated with so much professionalism and friendliness. Highly recommend them for any hair transplant needs :)
  •  Review
    Jan 24, 2025
    Bryan Reviews
     google Review
    Everything went great. Solid staff. Will give update photos in 6-12 months. Thank you bolton, ed, and the other crew. And josh for walking me through process and answering many of my questions!
  •  Review
    Jan 3, 2025
    Joseph Reviews
     google Review
    Dr Bolton changed my life 20 years ago when he performed my two hair transplant surgeries. He was kind and professional and the results were amazing, and still looks incredible. Every barber I have been to says it is the best hair transplant they have ever seen. Highly recommend.
  •  Review
    Jan 3, 2025
    John Reviews
     google Review
    Dr. Bolton & his loyal assistant, Josh, are two of the most caring people you will ever meet. Dr. Bolton was & is very patient & really listened to my needs & worked with me on all details of the look that I wanted to achieve. Once he collected those details he waa careful to meticulously go over them with me again to be certain I hadn't left...
  •  Review
    Dec 10, 2024
    John Reviews
     google Review
    Dr Bolton and his Great Hair Transplants team were easy to schedule and super flexible as I had to change my surgery date. They were also very informative and gave me everything I needed to be comfortable and confident when I arrived for my procedure. I had been a patient at Bosley years ago and they far exceeded the level of comfort and lack of...
  •  Review
    Nov 12, 2024
    Stacy Reviews
     google Review
    We had such a great experience with Dr. Brett Bolton and his entire staff. Their patient care and customer service is top notch. They genuinely care for their patients and it shows. Highly recommended them!
  •  Review
    Oct 25, 2024
    Zack Reviews
     google Review
    Everyone there was absolutely incredible, they had me in and out in a few short hours, and I didn't feel a thing during the procedure, and I can tell that the results are going to be amazing. Overall an amazing experience
  •  Review
    Oct 25, 2024
    Evann Reviews
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    Great experience and service. Before during and after the procedure
  •  Review
    Oct 2, 2024
    Daniel Reviews
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    Just recovering from procedure. Mike is taking excellent care and procedure seemed to go well. He is taking me back to the hotel for recovery. Results should be good as they have been after three procedures over the past 21 years.
  •  Review
    Oct 1, 2024
    Steve Reviews
     google Review
    I was skeptical at first, but what solidified it for me was that Mike walked me through it from first deciding to do it, to even getting on the plane from Arizona to fly to Ft. Lauderdale, having the procedure, and then calling me several times a day for the first couple of days to make sure I was following the instructions correctly. I don't think...
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