One day – One Procedure – Natural Results
Get Free Consultation for Hair Transplant Surgery

To request a free consultation online please complete the form below and one of our patient advisors will contact you directly.

Please upload photos of your hair loss. Front, top and back are best for evaluation. You will receive a response with Dr. Brett Bolton's evaluation within 24 hours. Please make sure to include you phone number for us to personally contact you. Thank you for inquiring and we look forward to helping you throughout this process.

Our Location
Dr. Brett Bolton
Great Hair Transplants, Hair Restoration Clinic
2715 East Oakland Park Blvd, Suite 200
Fort LauderdaleFlorida, United States of America33306
 954.567.5868  |

Best Hair Transplant Surgeon In Layton, Utah

hair implantation: Garrison Farms, Maryland (MD) in Baltimore County

hair implantation Would you ever contemplate commuting outside of your Garrison Farms area for a hair implantation? Maybe there might not be a hair implantation physician in a neighboring area. It is likely that the professional in your area does not use the exact method we use in our office. At the office of Dr. Bolton we use an incomparable process called MAXHARVEST. This gives patients twice the hair at half the price when measured up against most other surgeons. we want people to improve their looks with our MAXHARVEST technique, even those in Garrison Farms. That is the reason why we offer great travel deals for all patients who travel from outside of the area. Get a complimentary consultation today and find information about a hair implantation.


Hair Transplant Cost: Something You Can Afford

You can get a hair surgery for an affordable price . You will attain more dense results in just one procedure more than any other facility . We'd like to show you how !

You can expect a great result like this in one procedure !


Click Here To Get a Free Hair Transplant Consultation
with custom quote and special deal.

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Travel Incentives for Those Who Travel There is no reason why anybody should not have access to the most competent surgeon in or out-of-state ! That's why we have all our out of state people up to $1500 back in travel expenses . See a recording of an out of town patient experience .

* Discounts on travel costs only apply for patients out-of-state .

Traveling for This Procedure is Easily Done You can either go home after the hair restoration or take some time off from your busy schedule in one of our striking cities . To find out more about our travel incentives click here .

Consultation Remotely You are not obligated to commute in for an accessment . If you have a computer or laptop with the ability to video simply get in touch with us at 877 .424 .7535 to make an appointment to talk with the doctor . Use greathairtransplants to Skype us !

Great Hair Transplants Serves the Following Locations

Maryland ( Baltimore)

Academy Acres | Academy Heights | Academy Lane | Adil Meadows | Aero Acres | Airport Beach | Albantown | Allyson Gardens | Amberly of Kings Court | Anneslie | Anton North | Anton Woods | Apple Ridge | Arborwood | Arbour Green | Arbour Manor | Arbutus | Arden Valley | Armacost | Armagh | Ascot Estates | Ashland | Ashlar Hill | Asylum | Autumn Wind | Avalon | Back River | Back River Highlands | Bacon Hall | Baldwin | Baldwin Estates | Baldwin Mill Terrace | Ballard Gardens | Baltimore Highlands | Bare Hills | Baronet Woods | Barrington | Batter Brook Farms | Battle Grove | Bay Shore Park | Baynesville | Bayshore | Baywood | Beachwood | Beacon Hill | Bear Creek Junction | Beckleysville | Beetree | Beetree Manor | Belfast | Belle Farm Estates | Belltown | Belmont | Bengies | Bentley Estates | Bentley Hills | Bentley Springs | Berean | Berkfield | Berryhill | Big Spring | Bird River Beach | Biscayne Bay Village | Blenheim | Blenheim Forest | Blenheim Manor | Bloomsbury | Blue Mount | Bluegrass Heights | Bonaparte Estates | Bonnie Ridge | Boordy Vineyards | Boring | Bosley | Bowleys Quarters | Boxer Hill Park | Boxwood | Bradshaw | Brandy Springs | Breezy Hill Estates | Breezy Point Beach | Briarwood Estate | Briarwood Farms | Bridleshire | Bridlewood | Brierleigh | Brigadoon | Brightside | Brightwood | Britinay Hills | Broadmeade | Broadmoor | Brook Valley Farms | Brookfield | Brookhurst | Brooklandville | Brooklandwood Estates | Brookview Farms | Brookwood | Buena Vista Estates | Burnbrae | Butler | Cambria | Campus Hills | Canterbury | Canterbury Estates | Cape May Beach | Cape May Landing | Carney | Carney Grove | Carriage Hill Village | Carroll Island | Carroll Manor | Carroll Manor Ridge | Carroll Meadows | Carrollwood | Carrollwood Manor | Carrs Store | Catonsville | Catonsville Gateway | Catonsville Heights | Catonsville Manor | Cave Valley | Caves Park | Caveswood | Cedar Beach | Cedar Grove | Cedarmere | Cedarside Farm | Cedarwood Estates | Chadwick Manor | Chalet De La Rance | Chalfone Manor | Chapel Hill | Chapel Manor | Chapel Ridge | Chapel Valley | Chapelgate | Charlesmont | Charlestown | Chartley | Chase | Chattolanee | Cherry Valley | Chesaco Park | Chesapeake Terrace | Chesterfield | Chesterwood | Chestnut Hill | Chestnut Ridge | Cloisters | Cloverfield | Cloverfield Manor | Coachmans Field | Cockeysville | Colgate | College Hills | Colonial Gardens | Colonial Park | Cool Breeze | Cooperfield | Coopersville | Corbett | Corbett Hill Farms | Correlli Estates | Country Club Park | Country Ridge | Coventry | Cowdensville | Cowpen | Crandon | Cranwood | Cromwell Station | Cromwell Woods | Cromwood | Cronhardt | Cross Creek | Cub Hill | Cub Hill Farms | Cub Hills | Cunninghill Cove | Dairy Manor Farms | Daniels | Dar | Darinton | Darleigh Manor | Darryl Gardens | Daybreak Estates | Deer Cross | Deer Park | Deer Run | Deer Woods | Defense Heights | Delight | Delight Meadows | Dembeigh Hill | Devonshire Forest | Dogwood Hills | Doncaster Village | Donney Brook Farms | Donnybrook | Dover | Drexel Woods | Dulaney Gate | Dulaney Hills | Dulaney Valley | Dulaney Valley Estates | Dulaney Village | Dumbarton | Dun Rovin | Dunbar | Dundalk | Dundalk Mobile Home Court | Dundee Village | Eagle Nest | Eastern Terrace | Eastfield | Eastpoint | Eccleston | Eccleston Valley | Eden Roc | Edgemere | Edgewater | Edmondson Ridge | Eklo | Elmwood | Emory Grove | English Consul | Essex | Essexshire | Essexshire Gate | Eudowood | Evergreen | Evergreen Park | Evna | Fair Brook | Fairwood of Hunt Valley | Falcon Ridge | Falls Gable | Fallswood | Featherbed | Fellowship Forest | Ferguson Meadows | Fern Valley | Fields of Harvest | Fields of Stevenson | Fishtown | Fitzell | Five Forks | Five Springs West | Flickerwood | Folly Farms | Fontana Village | Foreston | Foreston Ridge Estates | Forge Acres | Forge Heights | Fork | Fort Howard | Four Winds | Fowblesburg | Fox Haven Estates | Fox Ridge Estates | Fox Ridge Manor | Fox Run | Foxhall Farm | Foxridge | Franklin Valley | Franklintown | Franklinville | Frederick Village | Freeland | Freeland Farms | Friends View | Fullerton | Fullerton Farms | Fullerton Heights | Garden Village Park | Garrison | Garrison Farms | Garrison Forest | Garrison Ridge | Gentsville | Germantown | Gillcrest | Gittings | Glen Arm | Glen Ellen | Glen Falls | Glen Morris | Glenartney | Glenbauer | Glencoe | Glencoe Manor | Glendale | Glenmar | Glenmar Manor | Glenmont | Glenside Park | Glenwood Trailer Park | Glyndon | Glyndon Greens | Golden Ring | Goldentree | Gores Mill | Gorsuch Mills | Goucher Woods | Graceland | Grange | Granite | Gray Haven | Gray Manor | Grays Level | Graystone | Green Hill Farm | Green Meadow | Green Ridge | Green Spring Junction | Green Valley North | Greenbrier | Greencroft | Greene Tree | Greenfield | Greengate | Greenspring | Greentop Manor | Greenwood | Greenwood Manor | Grey Rock | Grimesdale | Grimesville | Gunpowder | Gunpowder Acres | Gunpowder Estates | Gunrich | Gwynnbrook | Halcyon Gate | Halethorpe | Haletown | Halifax Heights | Hallfield Manor | Hamilton | Hamlet Farms | Hampshire | Hampton | Hampton East | Hampton Gardens | Hampton Village | Harborview | Harewood | Harewood Park | Harford Farms | Harford Hills | Harford Park | Harmony Hills | Harrington Manor | Harris Hill | Harrisonville | Harristown | Hartland Run | Hartland Village | Hartley | Hathaway | Havenwood | Haver Hill | Haverford | Hawthorne | Haywood Heights | Hebbville | Helmsley Court | Henrys Bridge | Heraldry Square | Hereford | Hernwood | Hernwood Heights | Hewitt Farms | Hickory Hill Estates | Hickory Meadow | High Point | Hillbrook | Hillendale | Hillendale Farms | Hillendale Heights | Hillendale Park | Hillside at Seminary | Hillside Hunt | Hillstead | Hilton Place | Hines Estates | Hoffmanville | Holbrook | Holland Hills | Hollins | Hollinsland | Hollofield | Holly Beach | Holly Knoll Estates | Hope Meadows | Hopkins Landing | Houcks Mill | Howardsville | Hunt Cup Hill | Hunt Ridge | Hunt Valley | Huntcrest Estates | Hunter Green | Hunters Glen | Hunters Glen South | Hunters Hill | Hunters Mill | Hunters Run | Hunting Lodge | Huntridge North | Huntsmoor South | Huntspring | Hurline Farms | Hyde Park | Hydes | Idlewylde | Imperial Gardens | Indian Meadows | Inverness | Island View Beach | Ivy Hill | Ivy Meadows | Jackson Ridge | Jacksonville | Jenkins | Jerusalem | Jerusalem Mills | Jonathans Delight | Jones Valley | Joppa Heights | Joppa Manor | Joppa Vale | Joppa View | Jordan Mill Farms | Josenhans | Julian Woods | Keener | Keeney Mill Farms | Keeney Mill Woods | Ken Lee Mobile Home Courts | Kendig Mill Station | Kenwood | Kenwood Park | Keyser Woods | Kings Country | Kings Court | Kings Park | Kings Ridge | Kingsville | Kingswood Common | Knettishall | Knoebel | Knoll Acres | Knollcrest Farms | Knollcrest Manor | Knollview | Knollwood | Kraft Corner | Lake | Lakeside | Lambourne Downs | Lansdowne | Laureldale | Laurelford | Lawrence Hill | Leisure Hill | Len Mar Community | Lereley | Liberty | Liberty Manor | Lincoln | Linden Springs | Linhigh | Loch Hill | Loch Raven | Loch Raven Heights | Loch Raven Village | Lochearn | Locksley | Locust Hill | Lodge Forest | Long Beach Estates | Long Green | Long Green Manor | Long Green Woods | Long Meadow West | Long Meadows Estates | Loveton Farms | Lowell Ridge | Lutherville | Lutz Hill | Lynch Point | Lynn Acres | Lynnhurst | Lyonswood | Malvern | Manor | Manor Brook | Manor Fields | Manor Glade | Manor Glen | Manor Hill | Manor Oaks | Manor Ridge | Manor Springs | Manor View | Manor View Farms | Manor Woods | Mansfield Woods | Mantua | Maple Crest | Maplehurst Woods | Marble Hill | Mardella Run | Margate | Marine Oak Village | Marlywood | Mars Estates | Martins Choice | Maryland Line | Marys Choice | Mayfair | Mays Chapel | Mays Chapel North | Mays Chapel Village | McDonogh | McDonogh Manor | McDonogh Park | Meadowcliff | Meadowland | Merrymans Mill | Merrymount | Merrywood | Miami Beach | Middle River | Middleborough | Middlesex | Middletown Downs | Middletown Estates | Mikules Manor | Milestone Manor | Milford | Milford Mill | Mill Run Estates | Millgate | Mission Ridge | Monkton | Monkton Farms | Monumental | Morgan Manor | Morningside Heights | Morrisville | Mount Carmel | Mount Carmel Farms | Mount DeSales | Mount Vista Estates | Mount Wilson | Mountvista | Murray Hill | My Ladys Manor Estates | Necker | Nob Hill | Norris Run Woods | North Branch | North Point | North Point Village | North Wind | North Wind Farms | Northampton | Northwind Farms | Northwind Village | Norwood Park | Notch Cliff | Nottingham | Nottingham Woods | Nottinghamshire Farms | Oak Forest | Oak Forest Park | Oak Hill | Oak Park | Oak Summit | Oak Valley | Oakdale | Oakhurst | Oakland | Oakland Park | Oakleigh | Oakleigh Manor | Oaks of Parsonage | Oakwood Village | Oella | Offutt Ridge | Old York Manor | Olde Mill Estates | Oliver Beach | Orange Grove | Orchard Hills | Oregon | Overlea | Overlook | Owings Mills | Owings Ridge | Padonia | Paradise | Parkside Heights | Parkton | Parktowne | Parkview Trail | Parkville | Parkville Heights | Patapsco Woods | Patchwork Farms | Pen Delle Manor | Pennbrook | Penwood | Penwood Park | Peppermint Woods | Perring Village | Perry Hall | Perry Hall Estates | Perry Hall Manor | Perry Hall Park | Perry Hall Village | Perry View | Perryvale | Phoenix | Pickwick | Pikesville | Pine Hill Farms | Pine Ridge | Pinedale | Pinehurst | Pineleigh | Piney Creek | Piney Hill | Pleasant Grove | Pleasant Hill | Pleasant Run | Poplar | Port Cherry Gardens Farm | Porters Park | Pot Spring | Powhatan | Powhatan Hill | Prettyboy | Prettyboy Garth | Prettyboy Trails | Priceville | Providence | Putty Hill | Quinn | Ralston | Ramona Beach | Ramsgate News Not Official | Ranchleigh | Randall Ridge | Randallstown | Ravenhurst | Rayville | Reckford | Regwood | Reisterstown | Relay | Reservoir Ridge | Resh Mill Farms | Retreat Farms | Revere Park | Richardson Mews | Richlyn Manor | Ridervale | Riderwood | Riderwood Hills | Ridge Grove | Ridgeleigh | Ridgemont | Ridgeway | Riverwood Park | Rockaway Beach | Rockdale | Rockland | Rockland Run | Rockwell | Rodgers Forge | Rogers | Rolling Heights | Rolling Park | Rolling Ridge | Rolling Road Farms | Rollins View Green | Rosedale | Rosedale Terrace | Rosemont | Roslyn | Roslyn Station | Ross Valley Farms | Rossville | Ruhl | Rutherford Green | Ruxton | Ruxton Hills | Ruxton Ridge | Sagamore Forest | Sagamore Village | Saint Denis | Saint Georges | Saint Helena | Saint Pauls | Sarawoods | Satyr Hill Estates | Scotts Level | Seminary Overlook | Seminary Springs | Seneca Park | Shady Oaks | Shamburg | Shane | Shane Valley | Sharretts Ridge | Shawan | Shawan at Hunt Valley | Shawan Valley | Sheppard | Shepperd | Sherwood | Sherwood Hills | Shetland Hills | Silver Gate Village | Silver Hill Farm | Silver Manor | Silver Meadow | Silver Spring Station | Silver Woods | Silverbrook Farm | Silvergate East | Sleepy Hollow | Sollers | Sollers Point | Sorrento | Sorrento Run | Southfield at Whitemarsh | Southland Hills | Sparks | Sparrows Point | Spook Hill | Spring Hill | Spring Valley Farms | Springdale | Springhill Farms | Springlake | Stab | Stablers Manor | Stablersville | Stanbrook | Stansbury Estates | Steeplechase | Stemmers Run | Stevenson | Stevenswood | Stockton | Stockton Woods | Stoddard | Stoneleigh | Stoneybrook North | Stratford | Stringtown | Sturbridge | Suburbia | Sudbrook Park | Sue Creek Landing | Sugarvale Estates | Summer Hill | Summerfield | Summerfield Farms | Summit Chase | Summit Park | Sunnybrook | Sunnybrook Farms | Sunset Knoll | Sunset View | Swan Point | Sweet Air | Sweet Air Manor | Sylvania | Talbotts Choice | Tarton Hill | Texas | The Beechs | The Chase at Foxridge | The Cloisters at Charles | The Colony | The Falls | The Fields of Four Corners | The Highlands of Hunt Valley | The Hill Farm | The Lakes | The Manors | The Meadows | The Oaks at Five Farms | The Pines at Deep Run | The Village | The Willows of Ruxton | Thistle | Thompson Estates | Thornleigh | Timber Chase | Timber Grove | Timber Point | Timberline Park | Timonium | Timonium Heights | Tobin | Tollgate | Town and Country North | Towson | Towson Estates | Towson Park | Tree Top Station | Tremper Farm | Trenton | Trenton Mill | Troyer | Trump | Tufton Farms | Tufton Ridge Estates | Turkey Point | Turner | Twelve Trees | Twinridge | Tyler | Upper Falls | Upperco | Urbanwood | Valewood at Hampton Gardens | Valley Brook | Valley Crest | Valley Heights | Valley Hills | Valley Mill | Valley Mill Farms | Valley North | Valley Stream | Valley View | Valleywood | Van Dyke Manor | Vance Valley | Velvet Hills | Velvet Hills South | Velvet Ridge | Velvet Valley | Vernon | Verona | Victory Villa | Victory Villa Gardens | Villa Cresta | Villa Nova | Village of Painters Mill | Village of Pawner | Village of Silver Hall | Village of Timber Grove | Village of Vanderway | Wakefield | Walden Circle | Walker | Walker Manor | Walkers Run | Walnut Hills Estates | Walnut Springs | Wampler Village | Warren | Water View | Waterford Place | Waterspout | Wellington Valley | Wellwood | Wesley Woods | West Edmondale | West Glen | West Hills | West Liberty | West Twin River | Westbury | Westchester | Westerlee | Western Run | Westowne | Westview Park | Westwind | Wetherbee | Weyburn Park | Whippoorwill Trailer Park | Whispering Meadows | White Hall | White Marsh | White Marsh Station | Whitehouse | Whitemarsh Estates | Wildwood Beach | Wildwoods | Williams Estates | Williamsburg | Willow Glen | Wilson Point | Wiltondale | Winands Valley Estates | Winans | Windemere | Windsor Mill | Windsor Mill Manor | Windsor Terrace | Windtree Valley | Windwood | Winsten Estates | Wiseburg | Woodbridge Valley | Woodbrook | Woodcroft | Wooddale Farms | Woodensburg | Woodglen Farms | Woodlands | Woodlawn | Woodleaf | Woodmont | Woodmoor | Woods at Bay Country | Woodward | Woodward Square | Worthington | Worthington Club Estates | Worthington Glen | Worthington Greens | Worthington Manor | Worthington Meadows | Worthington Park | Worthington Place South | Worthington Ridge | Worthington Run | Wynnewood | Yeoho | York Ridge | Yorkleigh | Yorktown |

Great Hair Transplants States

  •  Review
    Feb 11, 2025
    Leonardo Reviews
     google Review
    Dr. Bolton, Josh and the rest of the staff are amazing!!! I have dealt with time for many years and every time I get treated with so much professionalism and friendliness. Highly recommend them for any hair transplant needs :)
  •  Review
    Jan 24, 2025
    Bryan Reviews
     google Review
    Everything went great. Solid staff. Will give update photos in 6-12 months. Thank you bolton, ed, and the other crew. And josh for walking me through process and answering many of my questions!
  •  Review
    Jan 3, 2025
    Joseph Reviews
     google Review
    Dr Bolton changed my life 20 years ago when he performed my two hair transplant surgeries. He was kind and professional and the results were amazing, and still looks incredible. Every barber I have been to says it is the best hair transplant they have ever seen. Highly recommend.
  •  Review
    Jan 3, 2025
    John Reviews
     google Review
    Dr. Bolton & his loyal assistant, Josh, are two of the most caring people you will ever meet. Dr. Bolton was & is very patient & really listened to my needs & worked with me on all details of the look that I wanted to achieve. Once he collected those details he waa careful to meticulously go over them with me again to be certain I hadn't left...
  •  Review
    Dec 10, 2024
    John Reviews
     google Review
    Dr Bolton and his Great Hair Transplants team were easy to schedule and super flexible as I had to change my surgery date. They were also very informative and gave me everything I needed to be comfortable and confident when I arrived for my procedure. I had been a patient at Bosley years ago and they far exceeded the level of comfort and lack of...
  •  Review
    Nov 12, 2024
    Stacy Reviews
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    We had such a great experience with Dr. Brett Bolton and his entire staff. Their patient care and customer service is top notch. They genuinely care for their patients and it shows. Highly recommended them!
  •  Review
    Oct 25, 2024
    Zack Reviews
     google Review
    Everyone there was absolutely incredible, they had me in and out in a few short hours, and I didn't feel a thing during the procedure, and I can tell that the results are going to be amazing. Overall an amazing experience
  •  Review
    Oct 25, 2024
    Evann Reviews
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    Great experience and service. Before during and after the procedure
  •  Review
    Oct 2, 2024
    Daniel Reviews
     google Review
    Just recovering from procedure. Mike is taking excellent care and procedure seemed to go well. He is taking me back to the hotel for recovery. Results should be good as they have been after three procedures over the past 21 years.
  •  Review
    Oct 1, 2024
    Steve Reviews
     google Review
    I was skeptical at first, but what solidified it for me was that Mike walked me through it from first deciding to do it, to even getting on the plane from Arizona to fly to Ft. Lauderdale, having the procedure, and then calling me several times a day for the first couple of days to make sure I was following the instructions correctly. I don't think...
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