Hair Transplant Exercise Post Op Must Be Taken Very Serious
Hair transplant exercise after a surgery needs to be taken very seriously. Many times too often the surgery is being sold as a six-hour dental appointment. Don’t get me wrong. A hair transplant procedure, if done properly, should take 4 -5 hours including the preop consultation with the doctor. And it should be a rather easy experience. However, once you get in the car and go home, that is where the miscommunication comes in depending on your doctor and his consulting team. Hair transplant exercise postop, as an example, should be extremely limited for a few weeks. My definition of hair transplant exercise postop ranges for walking for 30 minutes to heavy weight lifting and competitive league sports play. Hair transplant exercise postop should be extremely limited for a minimum of 14 days. No heavy lifting or competitive sports play for a month. The patient should work his or her way back very cautiously and put all the focus on healing properly. Find out more about hair transplant exercise at Hair Surgery & Exercise.