Are FUE Hair Transplants Really Scar-less?

Hair plugs were one of the first hair transplant methods available, and are notorious today, due to the damage they caused and the unnaturalness of the results that they produced. Today, FUE hair transplants are all of the buzz, when it is basically a redesigned version of the same old hair plug method. The only difference is that the punch that extracts the hair is smaller. While this might leave smaller scars, it leaves a lot more of them.

Are FUE Hair Transplants Really Scar-less? Difficult Cases FUE Corrections Hair Transplant Industry Exposed Suture Line/Scar Testimonials Hair Plug Scars – Larger Size, Smaller Quantity Are FUE Hair Transplants Really Scar-less? Difficult Cases FUE Corrections Hair Transplant Industry Exposed Suture Line/Scar Testimonials FUE Scars – Smaller Size, Larger Quantity

As someone who has been on the front line and seen every case imaginable over the last 15 years, the perception of a plug hair transplant is virtually identical to an FUE hair transplant. It causes a lot of irreversible damage to the donor area and a low quality result.

Most people are focused on the wrong aspect of these procedures. They are so worried about the scars, and forget that the reason that they are inquiring about hair transplants is to get results! When you attempt to harvest blindly, by punching out hairs, the transection rate skyrockets, destroying the hairs entirely. While they pitch the smaller punch as a benefit, it’s actually more damaging than a larger punch, in terms of transections.


Dr. Bolton’s method is far superior, because there is less scarring and damage to the donor area and hairs are not harvested outside of the safe zone. FUE commonly goes outside of this safe zone in an attempt to harvest as many hairs as possible in the targeted area.

We will put our results up against any doctor in the world. There is simply no way, with an FUE hair transplant, to get a result even close to what we yield consistently with our MaxHarvest™ hair transplant.



Hair Transplantation Is Proven To Thicken Your Hair

This patient’s results took time to reach it’s full potential. We understand that everyone wants instant fixes and immediate fixes to their hair loss problems, but to do it the correct way takes time. Each time you have a procedure in the same area, the total time to reach your full results is increased. Here is this patient’s testimonial.

Hello Josh: hope you’re doing well. I wanted to send you a text like 2 months ago, but I’m always in a hurry. I got much better results now with my hair. Last time I saw good results in 7 months only, but this time it took 18 months. It really took time. So I’m very happy with the results. Please tell Dr Bolton and show him my pics. I’m sorry I told you I wasn’t happy with the results, but a year wasn’t enough for me this time. Tell that to Dr Bolton. Thank you very much for everything, I feel much better now with my new hair and I’m looking forward to get another procedure. Take care. Look at the pics. With my hair styled after a shower.


Hair Transplantation Is Proven To Thicken Your Hair Before And Afters Hairline Healing/Growth Process

Hair Transplantation Is Proven To Thicken Your Hair Before And Afters Hairline Healing/Growth Process


Hair Transplantation Is Proven To Thicken Your Hair Before And Afters Hairline Healing/Growth Process

Hair Transplantation Is Proven To Thicken Your Hair Before And Afters Hairline Healing/Growth Process


Same Amout Of Hair, Different Results.

I still remember an extensive conversation that I had with this patient. He questioned how, if he got 6,000 hairs from his previous surgery, which consisted of 3,000 grafts, with an average of 2 hairs per graft, we could make a difference, with the same 6,000 hairs. The patient said it is 6,000 hairs either way, how can you do better with the same amount of hair?


Same Amout Of Hair, Different Results. Hair Transplant Industry Exposed


The answer is: We do not continue to cut grafts smaller and smaller into primarily one and two hair grafts. The more you cut, the more damage, less survival, and less inherent density you receive. The hairs
that used to be close together are now separated and yield a thinned out look. We use micro grafts in the front hair line only. The rest of the grafts are placed behind the hairline and are comprised of 6-8 hair crafts, which result in a fuller, denser final product.



Hair Transplants Are Not Created Equally

This patient had his first procedure with another doctor and was deeply dissatisfied with the result. He watched some of Dr. Bolton’s videos and loved the fact that he placed so much emphasis on achieving a full, dense result. He came in to have his 2nd procedure with Dr. Bolton and was blown away with the results.

He originally questioned how he could achieve better results than his first procedure, but after explaining that we do not cut grafts down to charge patients more money it made sense. Cutting grafts smaller yields thin results.

These pictures are after 9 months, which means he still has at least 3 more months of growth to come!


Hair Transplants Are Not Created Equally Before And Afters Hairline Healing/Growth Process Hair Transplants Are Not Created Equally Before And Afters Hairline Healing/Growth Process Hair Transplants Are Not Created Equally Before And Afters Hairline Healing/Growth Process Hair Transplants Are Not Created Equally Before And Afters Hairline Healing/Growth Process



From Balding To Full, Thick Hair

Many people believe that you cannot achieve full hair restoration, once you have started balding. This is simply because there aren’t many doctors that can achieve that goal. Dr. Bolton has thousands of pictures and hundreds of videos on the internet showing him doing just that.

This patient would have been bald within a couple of years, had he not contacted us. Now, 2 years later, he has a full, thick head of hair. Complete hair restoration is absolutely possible, but you must work with the best in the industry, and we have definitively established ourselves at the top of this industry.


From Balding To Full, Thick Hair Before And Afters Crown Difficult Cases Hairline

From Balding To Full, Thick Hair Before And Afters Crown Difficult Cases Hairline

From Balding To Full, Thick Hair Before And Afters Crown Difficult Cases Hairline

From Balding To Full, Thick Hair Before And Afters Crown Difficult Cases Hairline

From Balding To Full, Thick Hair Before And Afters Crown Difficult Cases Hairline


From Balding To Full, Thick Hair Before And Afters Crown Difficult Cases Hairline

From Balding To Full, Thick Hair Before And Afters Crown Difficult Cases Hairline

From Balding To Full, Thick Hair Before And Afters Crown Difficult Cases Hairline

From Balding To Full, Thick Hair Before And Afters Crown Difficult Cases Hairline

From Balding To Full, Thick Hair Before And Afters Crown Difficult Cases Hairline