Completely Natural Hair Transplant Results

Whenever people come in for a consult, I tell them that I have had hair transplant procedures done myself. They always express surprise as it seems I have a lot of hair. Then inevitably, they ask me to lift my hair up so they can see the hair line. Natural hair transplants are unique and not common. There are more bad doctors doing these procedures than good doctors. To get a natural hair transplant result you have to do your homework. Natural hair transplants don’t happen by accident. You have to do your due diligence and make sure you know that you have a quality doctor to achieve the natural results you are looking for.

Completely Natural Hair Transplant Results Hair Transplant Industry Exposed Hairline

When you perform a transplant on a patient who has a light complexion or scalp and contrast that with black hair, it is the ultimate challenge for naturalness. If the hair groupings are too large, the angles not proper, or any hair is out of place, your eyes will focus right in on the imperfection.

You can see this patient looks 100% natural and there is no detect-ability of having had a procedure. Dr. Bolton is able to get more density and better, more natural results then any doctor I’ve ever seen.


Completely Natural Hair Transplant Results Hair Transplant Industry Exposed Hairline


Completely Natural Hair Transplant Results Hair Transplant Industry Exposed Hairline


7 Prior Procedures Don’t Compare To 1 Dr. Bolton Hair Transplant

This patient has had 7 previous procedures prior to Dr. Bolton and could not achieve dense results. He was wearing a hair system that was not comfortable, especially in the hot Florida sun, and the cost over the years was really adding up. The patient had tried 7 times to get out of the system but was unable to get hair transplant density.

The patient found out about Dr. Bolton and in one procedure Dr. Bolton had him out of his system in five months. Unbelievable! We are so glad to see our patient finally get an incredible result and achieve hair density. All the previous procedures were quoted in terms of grafts. Most people don’t realize that they are not getting the maximum amount of hair that they can, if they only have a graft count. We always move maximum hair and that is why Dr. Bolton’s MaxHarvest™ hair transplant technique is so powerful and effective at getting density for our patients.


7 Prior Procedures Don't Compare To 1 Dr. Bolton Hair Transplant Before And Afters Crown Difficult Cases

7 Prior Procedures Don't Compare To 1 Dr. Bolton Hair Transplant Before And Afters Crown Difficult Cases

7 Prior Procedures Don't Compare To 1 Dr. Bolton Hair Transplant Before And Afters Crown Difficult Cases


7 Prior Procedures Don't Compare To 1 Dr. Bolton Hair Transplant Before And Afters Crown Difficult Cases

7 Prior Procedures Don't Compare To 1 Dr. Bolton Hair Transplant Before And Afters Crown Difficult Cases

7 Prior Procedures Don't Compare To 1 Dr. Bolton Hair Transplant Before And Afters Crown Difficult Cases

If you take into consideration that Dr. Bolton achieved this result after SEVEN other doctors had chewed up his donor area and the patient had substantial scarring, this result is even more impressive. Most doctors can’t or won’t ever give a patient this much coverage and density in one procedure. Absolutely remarkable. Thank you Dr. Bolton for truly being one of a kind doctor!

People are paying $5,000-$15,000 per procedure and are getting a fraction of the results that Dr. Bolton is getting for his patients in one procedure. If hair transplant density is important to you, Dr. Bolton is the doctor for you when trying to achieve hair transplant density.


Hair Transplant On African American Male With Shaved Head

Our patient was computer savvy and did a lot of research and had a few consultations. There are different strategies depending on the patient’s ethnicity, type of hair, color of hair, thickness and density. Every patient has characteristics that are advantageous and disadvantageous. You must choose a doctor with the experience and talent to exploit your strengths and minimize the weaknesses. The benefits of a hair transplant for African American patient is the combination of lack of contrast between hair color and scalp color for a hair transplant for an African American patient.

I told our patient that, unlike any other doctor, you will walk out the door after your procedure knowing that it was impossible to get more hair. He had the MaxHarvest™ hair transplant which is unique to Dr. Bolton. Hair transplants for African American patients, when done right, can yield great results.


Hair Transplant On African American Male With Shaved Head African American Patients Before And Afters Hairline Suture Line/Scar


Hair Transplant On African American Male With Shaved Head African American Patients Before And Afters Hairline Suture Line/Scar


Hair Transplant On African American Male With Shaved Head African American Patients Before And Afters Hairline Suture Line/Scar

Hair Transplant On African American Male With Shaved Head African American Patients Before And Afters Hairline Suture Line/Scar

Hair Transplant On African American Male With Shaved Head African American Patients Before And Afters Hairline Suture Line/Scar


Hair Transplant Expert On Hair Loss – Steve Cook

I have personally met men who have explained the emotional feeling of going through life with a bald spot like walking around a mall with no pants on! They feel naked and ashamed. They struggle to deal with the bald spot by wearing hats, using various Hollywood makeup cover-ups, or growing the side hair long enough to comb over the top. The last option will require a few cans of hair spray and hopefully the wind will not be too strong! Ouch! What a way to go through life… How about those teachers with bald spots who hear the students chuckle every time they turn around to write on the blackboard? How about men and women who refuse to sit in the front of the church or temple because they feel the entire crowd is focusing on their bald spots? How must it feel when your young child has a friend over, you get in the car to go for ice cream, and your kid’s friend says, “My dad has a bald spot too!”, said Hair Transplant Expert, Steve Cook.

“There are 60 million men and women walking around the world with bald spots! So why is it a big deal? Since it is so common, is it not normal? Yes, as a matter of fact, it is very normal, said Hair Transplant Network Expert, Steve Cook. Until it happens to you! When it does, there is a strong possibility one’s self esteem goes out the window. Believe me, you will not know until it happens to you! And there is even more bad news. Once the bald spot starts, odds are it will keep on going! So where do we go from here. Here comes the advice you have been waiting for! The good news is there are options and you need to do your research. I have been experiencing hair loss for more than 25 years, said Hair Transplant Expert, Steve Cook. It is and will always be my passion to help people solve their hair loss issues.

The first thing you will need to do is see a hair specialist. This is a doctor who only does hair restoration surgery every day, said Hair Transplant Network Expert, Steve Cook. Not a part time, but a full time hair doctor. This doctor will make sure you have what is referred to as normal hair loss or standard Alopecia. The doctor can recommend a few different medications, oral or topical, that can really help slow or stop the loss. You see, it is extremely important that you take this step first. If not, you may be taking a giant step into hair transplantation yet continue to lose your original hair. This will not create the best result for your bald spot solution. As a matter of fact, it will cause you frustration down the road, said Hair Transplant Expert, Steve Cook.

Once you have been properly diagnosed and a solution has been prescribed, it may be time to wait and see what happens, or time to move forward. If your expectations are reasonable and you will be happy simply not to lose any more hair, than I recommend the wait and see approach. If you cannot stand the bald spot and need it filled in, it is time for that hair loss specialist to surgically move hair follicles from the back of the head into the bald spot.

There is a technique known as the “Bolton Whorl” to create a thicker look in the bald spot. The transplanted follicles are angled in a spiraling direction which emulates the hair pattern you once had before you lost it. The technique combines placing as many hairs as possible with the angles and wallah! After a few days of some small scabbing and a few months of waiting for the hair to start growing, the Bolton Whorl takes form and no more bald spot! Say bye bye bald spot, hello to a great hair day! For more on the Hair Transplant Network, please visit The Hair Transplant Network

Steve Cook has had hair loss issues for over 30 years and he is only 48 years old. He has worked extensively in the hair restoration field for over ten years and is proud to represent Dr. Brett Bolton.



Maximum Hair Density With MaxHarvest™ Hair Transplant

This patient had two previous procedures with another practice. He did not achieve natural or appealing hair density from those procedures. He was not happy with the lack of density, especially when you factor in the time and expense for his limited results.

Dr. Bolton was able to achieve double the results, of his previous two procedures, in one session, and reduce the scar from his donor area, for significantly less money. Maximum density was achieved by Dr. Bolton with his multiple follicular unit bundles. Most doctors refuse this technique because it limits their revenue when charging by the graft, making it impossible to achieve a hair transplant high density result for their patient. If you are looking for a hair transplant with a high density result, then Dr. Bolton is for you.


Maximum Hair Density With MaxHarvest™ Hair Transplant Before And Afters Hairline

Maximum Hair Density With MaxHarvest™ Hair Transplant Before And Afters Hairline


Maximum Hair Density With MaxHarvest™ Hair Transplant Before And Afters Hairline

Maximum Hair Density With MaxHarvest™ Hair Transplant Before And Afters Hairline